Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Aural Apocalypse May 20th, 2009

Solanaceae: Midnight Garden
Neutral: The Starfall of Nevermore
Jännerwein: Klage
Fire and Ice: Suppose My Name
Ianva: La Ballata dell Ardito
Otto Dix: Glenophobia
Qntal: Jherusalem
Nachtwindheim: Bacche Benevenias
Die Weisse Rose: Unser Leben Geht dahin wie ein Geschwätz
Der Blaue Reiter: Eyes of the Lost
Edo Notarloberti: Preludio
Camerata Mediolanense: Il Ricordo dei Giochi delle Spose del Vento
Corde Oblique: Nostalgica Avanguardia
Les Fargments de la Nuit: Soleils Noirs pur Lune Blanche
Stoa: Tharmas
The Beautiful Disease: A Different Guy
6 Comm: The Winter Sadness
Rome: The Orchards
Current 93: Soft Black Stars
Ostara: The First Day of Summer
Murkeley: Blasebalg
Schafspelz: Miri it is While Summer ilast
Cumulo Nimbus: Englischer Tanz
Sonver: Procession
Brachial Palsy: Südlicher Polakreis
Brillig: Assorted Fate

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning,

I don't mean to be a bother but are you posting the play lists elsewhere, if so where? Thank you.